Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tanah Lot Bali

File:Pura tanah lot sunset no3.jpg

Pura Tanah Lot is located at a village called Braban, included in the administration of Kecamatan Kediri Kabupaten Tabanan. The location is 30 kms from Denpasar city, and 11 kms from the town of Kediri. The town of Kediri lies on the main road between Denpasar city to Tabanan city which is also the main road of southern area of Bali from east island to the west. Big bus can reach the parking lot that is especially constructed by local government on the beach where are also found some restaurants, shops and art shops. On the east side of parking area there are shops and restaurants, from here visitors have to walk on foot around 300 meters to the beach. On the beach again some drink stalls along the direction of east west and they put some wooden or bamboo chairs on the beach where visitors can relax waiting for the sunset.

The beach on the area is steep drop cliff continuously under abrasion of strong sea water. On the edge of the sea below is very fine black sand mixed with sparkling quartz. This black sand is used to make decoration such as mirror frames, photo frames or building decorations due to its sparkling reflection under light.

The name of Tanah Lot temple in tourism bibliography about Bali is almost never absent. Among those temples as a tourist visit it is probably Tanah Lot is second most popular after Besakih. The name Tanah Lot is probably from " tanah laut " means land in the sea. It is the fact that the strong sea abrasion has separated the temple area with Bali mainland, so it looks that the temple nests on a small hill of rock bulging up on the ocean. Despite the fact that strong hit of sea wave but the site is still standing while the whole side have disappeared by the raged waves of hundreds of years.

No historical record is found so far to construct the history of the temple. Scripture of Dang Hyang Nirarta ( a fairy priest from Java ) mentions that the priest Dang Hyang Nirarta had visited the temple and asked the people around the area to build shrine. While the priest also educated fishermen there in making fish trap. The temple as a whole has 8 shrines with Merus ( superimposed roofs ) assemblaged on the narrow cliff that bulges up from the sea bed. Seen from the name of main shrine it suggests that the temple was built to honor a person who probably had important rule at the area with posthumous name as " Pemekel " It is common that, when a temple is built say the main shrine indeed dedicated to god, but second main shrines in a complex is normally dedicated to persons who had dedicated himself for the welfare of the people or at least a person who had strong influence among the people.

The temple as a whole is dedicated to the god of the sea. Fishermen pray to get fish and prosperity. A myth mentions that one of the shrine at Batukaru temple was lost, and was found here standing at Tanah Lot temple complex. It was very probable that the temple was built by Mengwi kingdom as the sea temple. The kingdom of Mengwi was flourishing around 1750 according to manuscript, and built their capital at present day Mengwi town, also popular as tour visit for its temple called Taman Ayun. The palace was just on the west side of Taman Ayun temple along the road side up to the corner of cross road. The kingdom ever ruled large part of Bali, even up to the present day Kabupaten Banyuwangi in east Java, and one of kingdom built so many temples inherited to their people. Toward the end of 19th century the kingdom was declining very quick due to conflict with their minister known as I Pasek Badak, from the village of Buduk near krobokan town kuta. it was probable that royal family wish to take the position of Badak as minister because Badak was not from Arya family ( not with title I Gusti ), yet Badak show resistant and open war was un avoided. Royal family was almost defeated when Badak realized that to many people become victim of unnecessary conflict and he informed the royal family that he would give up his resistant, and asked to be killed by the king. As the respect to Badak who ever growing Mengwi kingdom, royal family worship him as great warrior at the main temple of Taman Ayun where one can see the shrine especially dedicated to I Pasek Badak and the royal family regularly during the ritual worship him at front of his shrine. A kingdom in Bali normally had 3 main temples, one located near the sea, one in the city or near the palace, and one on the mountain or near the mountain. This concept of 3 temples has also influenced the smaller unit of Balinese settlement in the level called " Desa ". Every Desa in Bali has also 3 main temples dedicated to different way of worshipping the god and ancestor's spirits.

Now only 3 villages that responsible for the temple those are all nearby villages of Braban, Kelating, and Tibu Biyu, and still as the temple for Mengwi palace. The ceremony is performed every 6 month, based on Hindu-Java calendar which is already printed out during November every year.

For tourists, it is not only the traditional magic of the temple is interesting, but the location in the natural setting, especially during the sunset, the temple changes into silhouette against the sunsets above Indonesian ocean.

Friday, July 22, 2011

situs gunung kawi

Situs Gunung Kawi obyek wisata di Bali,

Pura Gunung Kawi, Pernahkah anda mendengar atau berkunjung ke Situs Pura gunung kawi selama liburan anda di bali, atau anda sama sekali blank tidak ada petunjuk. kalau demikian karena hal-hal sejarah sangat ramai dibicarakan belakangan ini secara singkat saya akan ceritakan sejarah obyek ini, mudah-mudahan berguna menambah wawasan serta referensi obyek wisata anda selama liburan di Bali,
Setelah melewati Gapura dan 315 anak tangga di pinggir sungai Pakerisan yaitu sebuah sungai yang mempunyai nilai sejarah yang sangat tinggi, terletak komplek Candi Gunung Kawi. Obyek wisata ini termasuk didalam wilayah Tampaksiring , kabupaten Gianyar kira-kira 40 km dari Denpasar.
Mengenai nama Gunung Kawi ini belum diketahui secara pasti asal muasalnya. Namun secara etimologi (bahasa kerennya) dikatakan berasal dari kata Gunung dan Kawi yang berarti Gunung adalah daerah pegunungan dan Kawi adalah pahatan, jadi maksudnya ialah pahatan yang terdapat di pegunungan atau di atas batu padas.
Menurut sejarahnya bahwasanya diantara raja-raja Bali yang memerintah Bali, yang paling terkenal adalah dari dinasti Warmadewa, Raja Udayana adalah berasal dari dinasti ini dan beliau adalah anak dari Ratu Campa yang diangkat anak oleh Warmadewa. Setelah dewasa beliau menikah dengan putri dari empu sendok dari jawa timur(kediri) yang bernama Gunapriya Dharma Patni, dari perkawinan ini beliau menurunkan Erlangga ( bukan nama toko lho…..) dan Anak Wungsu. Akhirnya setelah Erlangga wafat tahun 1041, kerajaannya di jawa timur dibagi 2(dua). Pendeta budha yang bernama Mpu Baradah dikirim keBali agar pulau Bali diberikan kepada salah satu putra Erlangga, tetapi ditolak oleh Mpu Kuturan.
Selanjutnya Bali diperintah oleh Raja Anak Wungsu antara tahun 1049-1077 dan dibawah pemerintahanya Bali merupakan daerah yang subur dan tentram.
Setelah beliau meninggal dunia abunya disimpan dalam satu candi dikomplek Candi Gunung Kawi. Tulisan yang terdapat di pintu masuk situs ini berbunyi ” Haji Lumah Ing Jalu” yang berarti Sang Raja dimakamkan di “Jalu” sama dengan “susuh” dari (ayam jantan) yang bentuknya sama dengan Kris, maka perkataan ” Ing Jalu” dapat ditafsirkan sebagai petunjuk ” Kali Kris” atau Pakerisan. Raja yang dimakamkan di Jalu dimaksud adalah Raja Udayana, Anak Wungsu, dan 4 orang permaisuri Raja serta Perdana Mentri raja.
Disebelah tenggara dari komplek candi ini terletak Wihara (tempat tinggal atau asrama para Biksu/pendeta Budha). Peninggalan Candi dan Wihara di Gunung Kawi ini diperkirakan pada abad 11 masehi dan juga wujud toleransi hidup bergama pada waktu itu yang patut menjadi contoh dan tauladan bagi kita di masa ini, belajar dari kearifan masa lalu…….
Berkunjung ke situs Pura Gunung Kawi ini, memberika anda wawasan serta keindahan alam yang menawan. Selamat ber wisata di Bali ,

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Barong Ket

Barong Ket atau Barong Keket adalah tari Barong yang paling banyak terdapat di Bali dan paling sering dipentaskan serta memiliki pebendaharaan gerak tari yang lengkap. Dari wujudnya, Barong Ket ini merupakan perpaduan antara singa, macan, sapi atau boma. Badan Barong ini dihiasi dengan ukiran-ukiran dibuat dari kulit, ditempel kaca cermin yang berkilauan dan bulunya dibuat dari perasok (serat dari daun sejenis tanaman mirip pandan), ijuk atau ada pula dari bulu burung gagak. 
Untuk menarikannya Barong ini diusung oleh dua orang penari yang disebut Juru Saluk / Juru Bapang, satu penari di bagian kepala dan yang lainnya di bagian pantat dan ekornya. Tari Barong Keket ini melukiskan tentang pertarungan kebajikan (dharma) dan keburukan (adharma) yang merupakan paduan yang selalu berlawanan (rwa bhineda). Tari Barong Ket diiringi dengan gamelan Semar Pagulingan.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Mysteries of Trunyan Village

The village of Trunyan is squeezed tightly between the lake and the outer crater rim of Batur, an almighty volcano in Kintamani. This is a Bali Aga village, inhabited by descendants of the original Balinese, the people who predate the arrival of the Hindu Majapahit kingdom in the 16th century. It is famous for the Pura Pancering Jagat temple, but unfortunately visitors are not allowed inside. There are also a couple of traditional Bali Aga-style dwellings, and a large banyan tree, which is said to be more than 1,100 years old. At Kuban sub-village close to Trunyan is a mysterious cemetery that is separated by the lake and accessible only by boat - there is no path along the steep walls of the crater rim.
The village of Trunyan itself is situated at the edge of Batur Lake. This location is inaccessible except by boat, and it takes around half an hour across the calm waters. Getting to Lake Batur takes around two hours drive to the northeast of Denpasar along the main road to Buleleng and through Bangli Regency.

Unlike the Balinese people, the people of Trunyan do not cremate or bury their dead, but just lay them out in bamboo cages to decompose, although strangely there is no stench. A macabre collection of skulls and bones lies on the stone platform and the surrounding areas.
The dead bodies don't produce bad smells because of the perfumed scents from a huge Taru Menyan tree growing nearby. Taru means 'tree' and Menyan means 'nice smell'. The name of Terunyan was also derived from these two words.
The women from Trunyan are prohibited from going to the cemetery when a dead body is carried there. This follows the deeply rooted belief that if a woman comes to the cemetery while a corpse is being carried there, there will be a disaster in the village, for example a landslide or a volcanic eruption. Such events have been frequent in the village's history, but whether women had anything to do with it is a matter of opinion...
You can visit both the village of Trunyan and the Kuban cemetery by chartered boat from Kedisan. Sadly, nowadays the boat trips are now blatant tourist traps, as touts and guides strongly urge you to donate your cash to the temple project or leave a donation for the dead. These touts ruin an otherwise fascinating experience.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Taman Kerta Gosa


Kerta Gosa
As a former empire, fair if Klungkung has many relics which is now a tourist attraction.One is Taman Gili Kerta Gosa, Klungkung Semarapura palace cultural heritage.Kerta Gosa is a building (bale) which is part of the palace complex of buildings Semarapura and has been built around the year 1686 the foundation stone of power and the first holder of the throne of the kingdom of Klungkung is Ida I Dewa Agung Jambe.
Kerta Gosa consists of two buildings (Bale) is Bale and Bale Kambang kerta Gosa.Called Bale Kambang because the building is surrounded by a pool of Taman Gili.Uniqueness Kerta Gosa with Kambang Bale is on the ceiling surface or the ceiling is decorated with a bale of traditional Kamasan style painting (a village in Klungkung) or style puppets are very popular among the people of Bali. At first, the paintings that adorn the ceiling of the building was made of cloth and parba. New since 1930 is replaced and created over plasterboard then restored in accordance with the original picture and still intact today. As a cultural heritage Semarapura Kraton, Kerta Gosa and Bale Kambang enabled to adjudicate and the place where religious ceremonies are especially Yadnya cut teeth (mepandes) as sons and daughters of the king.
The function of these two buildings is closely related to the function of education through puppet paintings presented at the ceiling of the building. Therefore, the paintings is a series of a story that takes the main theme of Swargarokanaparwa and Bima parwa Swarga who guide karma phala penalty (due to the merits of human deeds done during his life) as well as re-incarnation into the world because of the deeds and sin- sin. Therefore not wrong to say that psychologically, the themes of paintings that adorn the ceiling Kerta Gosa building contains the values ​​of mental and spiritual education. The painting is divided into six rows of terraced.
Bottom row illustrates the theme of the story comes from Tantric. Dereta second from the bottom illustrates the theme of the story in Swargarakanaparwa Bimaswarga. The next row of Kasyapa Bagawan themed story. The fourth row of the theme or meaning Palalindon the characteristics and meaning of the earthquake are mythological.Advanced story taken from the theme Bimaswarga ineffable in the fifth row which lies almost on the cone ceiling of the building. In the last row or the sixth is occupied by a picture of the life of nirvana. In addition to the roof of the building Kerta Gosa, wayang paintings also decorate the ceiling of the building to the west of the Bale Kambang Kerta Gosa. On the palate this Kambang Bale puppet themed paintings from the Ramayana and Sutasoma Kakawin story.
Taking the theme from kakawin yanga provide clues that the building functions Kambang Bale is a place to hold religious ceremonies Manusa Yadnya cut teeth son-in Klungkung king. The attraction of Kerta Gosa than traditional Kamasan style painting in Bale and Bale Kambang Kerta Gosa, other important relics that are still around and can not be separated in terms of historical value is great pemedal (gate / gate). Great Pemedal located west Kerta Gosa emit highly value cultural heritage palace. In this Court contained Pemedal also artistic value of traditional Balinese architecture. This gate serves as a crutch ever holder of the throne of power mechanisms (Supreme Deity) in Klungkung for over 200 years (1686-1908).
In the event of war against the Dutch military expedition known as the Puputan Klungkung on April 28, 1908, the last holder of the throne and his followers Dewa Agung Jambe fall. (Recordings of this event is now immortalized in a monument Puputan Klungkung is located across Kerta Gosa). After the defeat of the core building Semarapura Kraton (innards) is destroyed and turned into residential places.The highest remaining debris is Kerta Gosa, Bale Kambang with her and Taman Gili Palace Gate which turned out to be a very interesting object both in terms of tourism and culture, especially historical studies.
Kerta Gosa was also once functioned as a hall of court during the Dutch colonial bureaucracy in Klungkung (1908-1942) and since the appointment of a chief regional officer indigenous kingdoms in Klungkung (Ida I Dewa Agung of Klungkung State) in 1929. In fact, former chair of court equipment and table wear wooden carvings and Prade paint is still there. Those things are evidence of traditional indigenous heritage institutions such as courts ever apply in Klungkung in the colonial period (1908-1942) and the period of Japanese occupation (1043-1945). In 1930, restoration of paintings ever done puppet contained in Kerta Gosa and Bale Kambang by the painter of Kamasan. Restoration of the last paintings done in 1960.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sanur Village Festival

Sanur Village Festival offers you cultural activities like traditional dance performances, music, water sports and Food festival full of delicious cuisines.
al activities like traditional dance performances, music, water sports and Food festival full of delicious cuisines.

Sanur Village Festival 2011 Dates

Start Date:12th August 2011
End Date:16th August 2011
Theme'Life Marine' will highlight the role of marine life in Balinese culture and day activities.
ActivitiesCultural Activities, traditional dance performances and water sports activities.
Venue:Beach at Sanur, Bali.
Location:Bali, Indonesia
Sanur Village Festival has become a major event in Bali Event Calendar. The main aim of the festival is to attract large number of tourist from various countries. After its huge success last year, the organizers of the event are planning to make this event even better and bigger. These year Sanur village festival promises a lot of water sports activities and adventure. The event is inspired by Marine life which plays a vital role in daily life of Balinese. Sanur Village Festival is highlighted as major tourist attractions of Bali event calendar. So all your beach and water sports lovers out there pack your bags and have a wonderful time at Sanur Village Festival.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Lawar (traditional baliness food)

Lawar is a traditional Balinese food. This food is used as a dish and the dish, and hassold widely in homes to eat with a brand lawar Bali. Lawar is one type of side dishesmade ​​from chopped meat, vegetables, some spices and kelapadan sometimes inseveral types of lawar given element that can add a sense of lawar it is blood from the meat itself, the blood is mixed with spices certain spices that adds delicious lawar it.Lawar itself can not long survive this food if allowed to stand in the open air only lastedhalf a dayNaming varies, usually based on the type of meat that is used or the type ofvegetables. When used pork produced then lawar called lawar pigs., And so if usedvegetable jackfruit, then lawarnya named lawar jackfruit. There is also giving its namefrom the color red when lawarnya namely lawar lawarnya colors red, white lawarlawarnya when the color white and there lawar named lawar padamare, which is a kindlawar made ​​from a mixture of several types lawar. Lawar as a friend Rice served withother types of side dishes.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Pesta Kesenian Bali ( Bali Arts Festival

 Pesta Kesenian Bali kembali digelar. Untuk penyelenggaraan ke-33 ini, tema yang diangkat adalah "Desa Kala Patra" atau adaptasi diri dalam multikutur. Pembukaan dilakukan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Jumat (10/6). 
Dalam sambutannya, Presiden memuji pelaksanaan PKB yang sudah mencapai 33 kali dan berharap PKB dapat terus digelar sebagai ajang promosi pariwisata serta sarana mewujudkan perdamaian dunia. Perhelatan kesenian akbar ini akan digelar selama satu bulan di Taman Budaya, Denpasar, dan diikuti lebih dari 10 ribu seniman. Pawai peserta PKB digelar di depan rumah jabatan gubernur Bali gedung Jayasabha, Jl Surapati, Denpasar, Sabtu (11/6/2011). Pawai PKB disaksikan Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Jero Wacik, Gubernur Bali Made Mangku Pastika, dan kepala daerah kabupaten/kota lainnya.
 Ribuan masyarakat berduyun-duyun datang ke lokasi pawai. Mereka berjajar di sepanjang dua kilometer dari Lapangan Puputan Badung hingga lokasi PKB di Arda Candra, Art Center, Jl Nusa Indah Denpasar.

Anak-anak, muda-mudi hingga orang tua bersuka ria dan berdesakan menyaksikan pawai PKB yang berlangsung tiap tahun tersebut.

Pawai diawali dengan pemukulan gong oleh Pastika disaksikan ribuan masyarakat Bali. Disusul dengan barisan para peserta PKB dari sembilan kabupaten/kota, peserta dari luar Bali dan mancanegara.

Setiap daerah menampilkan ciri khas keseniannya, mulai dari pakaian adat, ritual pernikahan, taria-tarian hingga gamelan. Seperti Kabupaten Badung dengan atraksi mekotekan, Gianyar yang mengarak bade dan lembu dalan ritual Ngaben, Tabanan dengan Ngaben tikus sebagai simbol membasmi hama yang menyerang sawah.

Salah seorang warga, Ketut Jerimpen yang datang bersama anak-anak dan istrinya sangat senang bisa menyaksikan pawai meskipun harus berdesakan. "Kami selalu menonton pawai setiap tahun. Anak-anak sangat gembira bisa melihat kesenian dari daerah-daerah di Bali. Ya, memang sangat berdesakan tetapi puas bisa menonton," katanya.
 Gubernur Pastika berjanji akan memperbaiki pengaturan pawai sehingga memberikan kenyamanan kepada masyarakat dan wisatawan yang menyaksikannya. "Tahun depan akan kita perbaiki lagi sehingga lebih teratur," katanya.

PKB melibatkan sebanyak 15 ribu seniman dari Bali, 16 daerah luar Bali dan lima negara asing. Seniman akan bergantian memamerkan atraksi seni dan budaya di Art Center selama satu bulan.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Danau Buyan

 Kawasan obyek wisata Danau Buyan yang terletak di sebelah utara bedugul di jalan menuju kota Singaraja Buleleng, tempat yang sangat sejuk di kelilingi kebun strowberry dan perbukitan yang sangat indah, banyak yang berkunjung kesana memanfaatkan danau ini untuk memancing atau hanya sekedar berekreasi saja. penduduk sekitar danau juga memanfaatkan air danau tersebut untuk mengairi sawah dan juga untuk memelihara ikan di sekitar danau

Friday, June 3, 2011

Taman Ujung (the water palace)

Taman ujung atau water palace merupakan obyek wisata cagar budaya yg terletak di kawasan bali timur atau tepatnya di kabupaten Karangasem desa Tumbu, kawasan obyek wsata ini berdekatan dengan pantai Jasri, untuk menuju tempat ini amatlah sulit karena kurangnya petunjuk jalan yang menuju obyek wisata ini. tiket masuk obyek ini terbilang amatlah murah yaitu sekitar 5000 rupiah per orang disana kita akan melihat sebuah istana terapung di tengah-tengah sebuah telaga yang amat luas tempat peristirahatan raja-raja karangasem terdahulu, tetapi pengembangan obyek wisata ini kurang begitu mendapat perhatian dari pemerintah setempat karena terlihat dari sebagian obyek wisata ini di alih fungsikan menjadi tempat pertanian oleh penduduk sekitar dan terkesan amatlah kumuh di lingkungan di area obyek wisata ini, promosi tentang obyek ini juga amat kurang karena hanya terlihat orang-orang lokal aja yang dominan mengunjungi obyek wisata ini padahal waktu saya berkunjung ke tempat ini merupakan hari libur, tetapi meskipun banyak kekuranganya tempat ini layak dikunjungi karena suasana alamnya yg cukup indah di kelilingi bukit dan lautan..

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

kites festival

kites competitions are often heald every year in Bali, which was heald around the months of july and august are heald at Sanur Beach. kite festival are followed by some banjar in some districs in Bali. types of he kites that are contested are the various type of  creation kites, pecukan, ben-benan and janggan. this kites festival also followed by several countries including Japan and Australia with the creation kites from their respective countries

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Ngaben Ceremony

Ngaben or the Cremation Ceremony is the ritual performed to send the dead through the transition to his next life. The village Kul Kul, hanging in the tower of the village temple, will sound a certain beat to announce the departure of the deceased. The body of the deceased will be placed at Bale Delod, as if he were sleeping, and the family will continue to treat him as if he were still alive yet sleeping. No tears are shed, for he is only gone temporarily and he will reincarnate into the family.
The Priest consults the Dewasa to determine the proper day for the ceremony. On the day of the ceremony, the body of the deceased is placed inside a coffin which is then placed inside a sarcophagus in the form of a buffalo (called Lembu) or a temple structure called Wadah made of paper and light wood. The Wadah will be carried to the village cremation site in a procession.

The climax of Ngaben is the burning of the Wadah, using fire originating from a holy source. The deceased is sent to his afterlife, to be reincarnated in the future.

Friday, May 27, 2011

pantai suluban

pantai suluban adalah salah satu obyek wisata yg ada di bali yg terletak di sebelah utara dari Pura Uluwatu, tempatnya masih terpencil dan belum banyak wisatawan yg mengetahui tempat ini karena kurangnya promosi yg dilakukan untuk tempat ini. keindahan pantai ini adalah pada waktu air laut sedang surut kita dapat jalan2 di pesisir pantai sambil menikmati keindahan laut Bali selatan dan jika beruntung kita bisa menikmati sunset yg sangat indah skali

Thursday, May 26, 2011

salah satu obyek wisata air terjun yg ada di bali

obyek wisata ini terletak di bagian Bali utara sekitar 60 Km dari kota Denpasar, dengan udara dan pemandangan sejuk di sekitar air terjun dapat membuat pikiran menjadi tenang bagi setiap orang yg pernah mengunjungi obyek wisata ini